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Name Version Section Description
3proxy 0.9.4-2 net 3APA3A 3proxy tiny proxy servers
3proxy-common 0.9.4-2 opt 3proxy addional servers
3proxy-sql 0.9.4-2 opt 3proxy sql template
asterisk-chan-quectel 2.1-20220526-1 net Asterisk channel driver for mobile telephony.
atinout 0.9.1 net Atinout is a program that will execute AT commands in sequence and capture the response from the modem.
cellled 0.0.1-1 opt Indicate LED cellular signal signal strength.
fm350-modem 0.0.2-2 opt Simple connect to cellular for Fibocom FM350 module
iptables-mod-tls 0.3.5-1 net iptables module for filtering TLS connections
lib3proxy 0.9.4-2 opt 3proxy libraries
libqmi 1.32.4-2~full libs Helper library talk to QMI enabled modems. Add qmi-utils for extra utilities.
luci-app-3proxy 0.1.0 luci 3proxy simple webUI
luci-app-atinout 0.1.0-1 luci LuCI JS interface for the atinout.
luci-app-cellled 0.1.0-2 luci LuCI application for showing cellular RSSI LED
luci-app-gpoint 2.6.0 luci GNSS Information dashboard for 3G/LTE dongle
luci-app-mmconfig 0.1.0 luci Configrure modem bands via mmcli utility
luci-app-modeminfo 0.4.2 luci Information dashboard for 3G/LTE dongle
luci-app-pingcontrol 1 luci LuCI network interface control
luci-app-smstools3 0.1.0-2 luci Web UI for smstools3
luci-app-telegrambot 0.1.0-3 luci TelegramBot simple webUI
luci-app-ttl 0.0.3-0 luci Antitethering module for luci-app-firewall
luci-i18n-3proxy-ru git-24.094.23388-edf4172 luci Translation for luci-app-3proxy - Русский (Russian)
luci-i18n-atinout-ru git-24.094.23388-edf4172 luci Translation for luci-app-atinout - Русский (Russian)
luci-i18n-atinout-zh-cn git-24.094.23388-edf4172 luci Translation for luci-app-atinout - 简体中文 (Chinese Simplified)
luci-i18n-cellled-ru git-24.094.23388-edf4172 luci Translation for luci-app-cellled - Русский (Russian)
luci-i18n-mmconfig-ru git-24.291.33526-80997cb luci Translation for luci-app-mmconfig - Русский (Russian)
luci-i18n-mmconfig-zh-cn git-24.291.33526-80997cb luci Translation for luci-app-mmconfig - 简体中文 (Chinese Simplified)
luci-i18n-modeminfo-ru git-24.291.33526-80997cb luci Translation for luci-app-modeminfo - Русский (Russian)
luci-i18n-modeminfo-zh-cn git-24.291.33526-80997cb luci Translation for luci-app-modeminfo - 简体中文 (Chinese Simplified)
luci-i18n-pingcontrol-ru git-24.094.23388-edf4172 luci Translation for luci-app-pingcontrol - Русский (Russian)
luci-i18n-smstools3-ru git-24.094.23388-edf4172 luci Translation for luci-app-smstools3 - Русский (Russian)
luci-i18n-smstools3-zh-cn git-24.094.23388-edf4172 luci Translation for luci-app-smstools3 - 简体中文 (Chinese Simplified)
luci-i18n-telegrambot-ru git-24.094.23388-edf4172 luci Translation for luci-app-telegrambot - Русский (Russian)
luci-i18n-ttl-ru git-24.094.23388-edf4172 luci Translation for luci-app-ttl - Русский (Russian)
luci-proto-fm350 git-24.126.71869-e102c3d luci Support for Fibocom FM350
luci-proto-tun2socks git-24.295.43713-4b245f8 luci Support for tun2socks
luci-proto-xmm git-24.094.23388-edf4172 luci Support for Intel XMM
luci-theme-lightblue git-24.094.23388-edf4172 luci Bootstrap lightblue Theme
luci-theme-routerich git-24.143.43186-d64a7ec luci Routerich Theme
luci-theme-teleofis git-24.094.23388-edf4172 luci Bootstrap Teleofis Theme
modeminfo 0.4.2-7 net Signal information for 3G/LTE dongle
modeminfo-qmi 0.4.2-7 net QMI addon for modeminfo
modeminfo-serial-dell 0.4.2-7 net Dell DW5821e serial addon for modeminfo
modeminfo-serial-fibocom 0.4.2-7 net FIBOCOM NL668/678/FM150/FM190/FM350 serial addon for modeminfo
modeminfo-serial-fm350 0.4.2-4 net FIBOCOM FM350 serial addon for modeminfo
modeminfo-serial-gosun 0.4.2-7 net Gosuncnwelink GM510 serial addon for modeminfo
modeminfo-serial-huawei 0.4.2-7 net HUAWEI serial addon for modeminfo
modeminfo-serial-meig 0.4.2-7 net MEIGLink SLM750-R2/SLM820/SLM828 serial addon for modeminfo
modeminfo-serial-mikrotik 0.4.2-7 net MikroTik R11e-LTE/R11e-LTE6 serial addon for modeminfo
modeminfo-serial-quectel 0.4.2-7 net QUECTEL serial addon for modeminfo
modeminfo-serial-sierra 0.4.2-7 net Sierra Wireless EM7455 serial addon for modeminfo
modeminfo-serial-simcom 0.4.2-7 net SIMCOM SIM7600/SIM7906/SIM7912/A7600/A7906 serial addon for modeminfo
modeminfo-serial-simcom-a7xxx 0.4.2-4 net SIMCOM A7600/A7906 serial addon for modeminfo
modeminfo-serial-styx 0.4.2-7 net STYX MG8224 serial addon for modeminfo
modeminfo-serial-telit 0.4.2-7 net TELIT LN940/T77W678/HP4220 serial addon for modeminfo
modeminfo-serial-thales 0.4.2-7 net Thales MV31-W T99W175 serial addon for modeminfo
modeminfo-serial-tw 0.4.2-7 net ThinkWill ML7820+ serial addon for modeminfo
modeminfo-serial-xmm 0.4.2-7 net FIBOCOM L850/L860 Intel XMM chips serial addon for modeminfo
modeminfo-serial-yuge 0.4.2-7 net Yuge CLM920 serial addon for modeminfo
modeminfo-serial-zte 0.4.2-7 net ZTE MF823/MF823D serial addon for modeminfo
modeminfo-telegram 0.4.2-7 net Plugin for telegrambot
openvpn-dns-hotplug 0.0.1-2 opt Hotplug script to get NS attribytes: DNS and domain search.
openvpn-mbedtls 2.5.8-5.1~xor net Open source VPN solution using mbedTLS
openvpn-openssl 2.5.8-5.1~xor net Open source VPN solution using OpenSSL
openvpn-wolfssl 2.5.8-5.1~xor net Open source VPN solution using WolfSSL \(experimental\)
pingcontrol 1-1 utils This package contains a utility for managing the interface using ping requests.
qmi-utils 1.32.4-2~full utils Utilities to talk to QMI enabled modems
qtools 0.0.1-0~cross telephony A set of tools for working with flash modems based on the Qualcom chipset The set consists of a package of utilities and a set of patched loaders.
speedtestpp 1.14-1 net Yet another unofficial client cli interface
telegrambot 0.0.4-3 opt Telegram bot for router with firmware Lede/Openwrt.
totd 1.5.3-1 net Totd is a small DNS64 proxy nameserver that supports IPv6 only hosts/networks that communicate with the IPv4 world using some translation mechanism.
tun2socks 2.5.2-3 net tun to socks proxy redirector written on golang
xmm-modem 0.1.3-2 opt Simple connect to cellular for Fibocom L850/L860 module (Intel XMM LTE-A 7360/7560)
youtubeUnblock 0.3.1-1 net Bypasses Googlevideo detection systems that relies on SNI